Saturday, December 5, 2009

Blog Reflection

I think that by doing these Blog entires, I have really learned a lot about the different genres of children's literature. Even though I had read many different children's books I never realized how many different genres there were and how each one fit specifally into a certain genre. By doing these entries, I was allowed to really understand the specific aspects of each genre and apply them to the books I chose.

For most of the books I wrote about, I used them because I looked at the author's suggestions at the end of each chapter. I figured if they were suggestings those books I would be certain to get a book that fits exaclty with the genre that the chapter was about. This turned out to be a great source to find books I needed; I would always take it with me when I went to the library to search for books.

I feel that I now have read so many different books that deal with children's literacy and I will be able to be a much better teacher because of it. Before doing this assignment, my knowledge of children's literature and authors were very limited. Now that I have expanded my knowledge, I will be able to provide my students with a variety of different children's literature, genres and authors for them to read and enjoy.

I really enjoyed doing this assignment because I love children's literature and now I have much more to love! I have a new collection of books that I never have had before and I can't wait to share them with my students some day. I know that from now on I will continue to search for new and different children's books and authors so I can continue to grow my library of children's books for my students!

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary, Sarah. I'm glad you love children's literature and found more to love!
