The Foot Book is a book written by Dr. Seuss. In this book, we are taken on a journey through all the different types of feet one can encounter. The entire book is a rhyming book and as you read it, you get into a rhythm as you read the words. There are many different types of feet described in this book, for example there are " front feet, back feet, red feed, black feet." In this book, the illustrations are just as important as the text that is written. Without the illustrations the book could not have made a very big impact on children, because the words don't make much sense without pictures to go along with them. For example, at one point in the book Dr. Seuss wrote, "more and more feet twenty four feet". Without being able to see the illustrations that go along with the text we would not know that he was referring to some sort of animal that had twenty four feet.
I believe this book is a great book to read to children because it teaches about how people are different. In the book, there are many different types of feet you will meet and even though they are all different, they are all still feet. This book can teach children that it is okay for there to be many different types of feet, just like there can be many different types of people!
I believe this book will make a great, fun read aloud for parents to read to their children or teachers to read to their students. Children enjoy hearing rhyming books and these types of books help with strengthening vocabulary. But not only do children enjoy hearing these Dr. Seuss rhyming books, they enjoy seeing the illustrations that accompany the words because without them, the book would just consists of random rhyming words. Overall I really enjoyed this book, like I do all Dr. Seuss books and would highly recommend it!
Seuss, Dr.. The Foot Book. New York: Random House Inc., 1968.
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