The book Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you See?, written by Bill Martin Jr. is a book about different colors and animals. There is no true story line to this book, it is just multiple pages of different colored animals asking each other what they see. It starts off asking a large Brown Bear what he sees. He says that he sees a Redbird looking at him. So the next page goes to the Redbird and asks it what it sees. The Redbird sees a Yellow Duck looking at it. The Yellow Duck sees a Blue Horse, the Blue Horse sees a Green Frog, the Green Frog sees a Purple Cat, the Purple Cat sees a White Dog, the White Dog sees a Black Sheep, the Black Sheep sees a Goldfish, the Goldfish sees a Mother, the Mother sees children and the children see all of the animals previously mentioned throughout the book.
I think this is a great concept book because it is very simple and can effectively teach children about different colors and animals. According to our text book, concept books introduce single, focused concepts to young children. One of the typical topics include colors which is exaclty what this book is about; it associates colors and meanings to objects. This book is also very repetitive which is very helpful in children's literature because the children can pick up on the rythm of the story. If they do pick up on the rythm, they can begin to recite the book along with the reader.
This beloved children's book has been a favorite among children, parents and teachers for many, many years. It has sold over seven million copies in various formats and languages.
Martin, Bill Jr. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?. New York: Henry Holt and Company, Inc. 1967
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