This book is a biography of Florence Nightingale, who is the founder of modern nursing. Florence helped start a nursing school in London so that nurses could have speical training to learn how to take care of patients. Florence made nursing a respected profession.
Florence believed that God wanted her to live a life of service. She liked to take care of people who were sick and realized that this was to be her service to God. During the Crimean War, in 1854, Florence traveled with 38 other nurses to take care of the wounded British soldiers. Florence did more than just treat the soldier's wounds, she helped the soldiers write letters and send money home. Florence was also known for walking the hospitals hallways with a lamp each night and offereing care to anyone who needed it. She was given the nick name "Lady with a Lamp" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in one of his poems. Because of her work during the Crimean War, Florence and the other nurses won the respect of the Britih soldiers during the war.
Another important concern to Florence was that hospitals were not sanitary. They were dirty, and full of germs. More soldiers died from infections due to germs than because of their battle wounds. Florence set out to make hospitals sanitary and British army hospitals became the more sanitary hospitals of any country in Europe. As a result of her schools to train nurses, her making hospitals sanitary, and helping start the British Red Cross, Florence Nightingale improved health care around the world.
I think this book is a great biography book because it is a photo-illustrated biography combining illustrations and actual photos of Florence Nightingale. Each written page has a corresponding photo page. I think this biography has a high interest level for children because of the photos incorporated in the book and how they are presented. Each written page is a different aspect of Florence's life and achivements. This set up, rather than the typical chapter book keeps the book interesting for the young readers which will make them retain the information better.
Davis, Lucile. Florence Nightingale: A Photo-Illustrated Biography. Mankato, Minnesota: Bridgestone Books, 1999
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