The book, Jenny's in the Hospital, was written by Seymour Reit and illustrated by Nina Barbaresi. This book is about a little girl named Jenny who breaks her arm and has to go to the hospital. The book starts out with Jenny and her mom at the park. Jenny is playing various sporting activities when she falls, breaks her arm and hits her head. Jenny's mother takes her to the hospital where they put her arm in a cast and preform tests to make sure her head is okay. After staying overnight in the hospital Jenny is feeling much better and has made friends with her roomates Gloria and Ellen. Gloria is in for a surgery and Ellen was in the hospital for a series of tests. The next morning, after seeing the doctor, a hospital aide named Clifford befriends Jenny and takes her on a speical tour of the hospital. Jenny loved this and told her parents when they arrived. After being checked out, Jenny had Gloria, Ellen and Clifford sign her cast. She was feeling much better and excited to get home!
This book is a great example of contemporary realistic fiction because this is something that could actually happen. Even though the actual story is ficticious, the events that occured our ones that would happen to an actual person. There are no talking animals, fantasy world or invented creatures. Everything is as it is in the natural world.
There were no awards given to this book.
Reit, Seymour. Jenny's in the Hospital. Racine, Wisconsin: Merrigold Press New York, 1984
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