The book, One of the Family, was written Peggy Archer and illustrated by Ruth Sanderson. This book is about a family who has a new baby. There are already four older children named, Craig, Bob, Davey and Carrie. All of the children love the new baby, Melissa and always want to be around her. They will talk to her, sing to her, show her their toys and what they are doing or eating. One day, the children's parents go out and the babysitter Mrs. Webber comes to stay with the children. All of the children are busy playing and doing various activities around the house. Craig was listening to his favorite music on the radio, Davey was making a tool caddy, Bob was drawing pictures and Carrie was building a tower out of blocks while singing Old McDonald had a Farm. Once the children's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown left Mrs. Webber told all of the children to be quiet so Melissa could sleep. She said, "Goodness gracious, this house is mucn too noisy for a baby. Babies need peace and quiet so they can go to sleep." So all of the children put away their toys and music and were very quiet so Melissa could sleep. All of a sudden Melissa became very restless and began crying. Mrs. Webber did everything she could to make Melissa stop crying but nothing worked. She changed her, fed her and rocked her in the rocking chair but Melissa continued to cry. Finally all the children began telling Mrs. Webber what Melissa likes. "She likes it when I read to her" said Bob. "And she likes my hammer" said Davey. "And my music" added Carrie. After hearing all of this Mrs. Webber agreed that maybe a little noise wouldn't hurt anything. So all the children went back to their toys and music and started playing with them again. To Mrs. Webber's surprise, Melissa immediately stopped crying and began smiling and cooing. Soon after Melissa was fast alseep. Mrs. Webber finally said, "I can see that this is one baby who doesn't need peace and quiet. I guess Melissa is just one of the family!"
I think this is a great example of a humorous contemporary realistic fiction book. Not only are all the events that occur in the story believable, but the story line is very humorous. It is funny how Melissa is just like her brothers and sister and loves the noises they make and watching them do their activities.
I think this is a great example of a humorous contemporary realistic fiction book. Not only are all the events that occur in the story believable, but the story line is very humorous. It is funny how Melissa is just like her brothers and sister and loves the noises they make and watching them do their activities.
I really enjoyed reading this book and I think it is a great book to read to children espeically ones who's parents are expecting a new baby in the family. This book can get the child ready to be an older brother or sister and show them how they can help take care of and look after the new baby!
Peggy Archer has had many published children's books. This book did not receive any awards but some of her other books were on the New York Bestseller list and norminated for variour recognitions and awards.
Archer, Peggy. Racine, Wisconsin: Western Publishing Company, Inc. 1983.
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