The book Wemberely Worrired was written by Kevin Henkes. This book is about the character, Wemberely who worries about everything. She worries about "big things, little things and things in between". Everyday her parents would tell her that she worries too much. Her father said that when she worries he worries but Wemberely couldn't help worrying about everything. Wemberely always carreid her toy bunny, Petal with her wherever she went. When she got really nervous, Wemberely would rub Petal's ears, but then she worried that soon Petal would have no ears! When it came time for Wemberely to go to school, she was more nervous than she had ever been. Once she was in the classroom, her teacher, Ms. Peachum introduced her to another little girl who was just like Wemberely. Her name was Jewel and she also had a toy cat named Nibblet that she carred around with her. Wemberely and Jewel got along great and played together the entire day! At the end of the day Ms. Peachum told everyone to "Come back tomorrow!" and Wemberely turned and said, "Don't worry, I will!"
This book is in the Modern Fantasy genre because it, "violates the natural, physical laws of our known world" (Children's Literature Briefly). Wemberely's character is a mouse and in the natural world, mice do not talk or go to school. The only aspect of this book that puts it under the Modern Fantasy genre is the fact that it has talking animals. Many mondern fantasy books have entire new worlds and made up creautres. This book however, encompases every aspect of real life excpet for the fact that the main characters are mice.
This book has won the ALA Notable Children's Book Award, the IRA/CBC Children's Choice award and the IRA/CBC Teacher's Choice Award.
Henkes, Kevin. Wemberly Worried. Hony Kong: South China Printing Company, 1988.
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