I chose the collection of poems titled, A Child's First Book of Poems, for my one large anthology of collected poems. In this collection there are short, children's poems written by various authors. The entire book was illustrated by Cyndy Szekeres. The marjority of her illustrations incorporate mice but the illustrations still relate the orignal poems. The authors featured in this collection are, Aileen Fisher, Vachel Lindsay, Anita E. Posey, Dixis Wilson, Alison Winn, Elizabeth Madox Roberts, Emily Dickinson, Florence Page Jaques, A.A. Milne, Evaleen Stein, Elanor Farjeon, Marjorie Seymour Watts, Dorothy Aldis, Robert Louis Stevenson, Frank Dempster Sherman, Christina Rossetti, Rene Cloke, Oliver Herford, John Ciardi, Rose Fyleman, Maud Burnham, Herbert Asquith and Walter de la Mare. There are also many other poems incorporated from anonymous authors.
I think this is a great example of a large antholog of collected poems for children. All of the poems incorporated in this collection are appropriate for young children and are written on a leve that they can listen to and comprehend. I believe that children will enjoy this collection and it will inspire them to want to read more poetry when they get older.
There were no awards given to this book.
pictures by: Szekeres, Cyndy. A Child's First Book of Poems. New York: A Golden Book. Racine, Wisconsin: Western Publishing Company, Inc, 1981
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